
Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Vine Sanctuary

is "an LGBTQ-run farmed animal sanctuary that has worked to build bridges between the animal advocacy and LGBTQ liberation movements." Pattrice Jones is one of the founders and their advocacy for our sister/brother Earthlings (including those who happen to be human) is superlative.

Ms. Jones has authored two books and I'm very familiar with the first one titled Aftershock and can highly recommend it. I haven't read the second one yet but I will soon. It is titled The Oxen at the Intersection.

On February 3rd this entry was posted:
Welcome to the VINE Sanctuary poll of animal-friendly LGBTQ people. VINE is an LGBTQ-run farmed animal sanctuary that has worked to build bridges between the animal advocacy and LGBTQ liberation movements. By taking this poll, you will be helping us to learn more and to adjust our priorities and strategies accordingly.

This is a poll for animal lovers who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans*, or otherwise “queer.” Non-LGBTQ folks can still help us out by sharing the link to this poll with their LGBTQ friends. Animal haters can get out of here.
Please take the time to fill out the questionnaire if it is applicable and if not please help by sharing the link wherever you can. Thank you....and thanks for living vegan.

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